Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Lanterns #2 Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (19)

Diana Mary Sharpton

Diana Mary Sharpton

Love this colorful image ... promoted on T/F

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

I was finally able to g+1 this image, Blair! :)

Blair Stuart replied:

Much appreciated Heidi, thanks for following up :)

Yumi Johnson

Yumi Johnson

Wonderful work Blair, great colors and texture!! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Yumi, appreciate your comments, f/v and on-going support

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

g+1 was down. I'll come back and add when it's up again. :)

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Heidi

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

Wonderful image, Blair. Love the composition and colors. f/v/g+1/fb/su

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Heidi, appreciate your kind words, the f/v/g 1/fb/su and your on-going support.... Blair

Wendy Wilton

Wendy Wilton

Love the symmetry and the colours....great work

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you for stopping by Wendy, your kind words are most appreciated

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Cheers Christiane, your visits are always welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for the kind words and the f/v

Christiane Schulze

Christiane Schulze

Like the radiant colors and perspective .....great image Blair - Chris (F/V)

Luke Moore

Luke Moore

This is just plain awesome with all these colors and the illumination! Would look great on any wall :) A sure F/V Blair

Blair Stuart replied:

As always Luke,I appreciate and value your feedback. Glad you like this shot, as it is one of my favourites

Bob Orsillo

Bob Orsillo

I love this composition Blair! Bright vibrant and awesome! - V/F

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Bob, you input into my work is greatly appreciated, thanks too for the v/f

Pamela Patch

Pamela Patch

Excellent work Blair!

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Pamela, thanks for dropping by, I appreciate the feedback....Blair

Dean Harte

Dean Harte

Good to see the lanterns back up Blair, vote/fav!

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Dean, they are a favourite of mine. Thanks for the f/v, your feedback and your on-going support of my work

Cheri Randolph

Cheri Randolph

Blair, wonderful bold colors and interesting framing on this one. voted

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Cheri, always nice to have you drop by. Appreciate the vote and your feedback

Roberto Prusso

Roberto Prusso

Blair - Splendid work, colors are super !!F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Roberto, your comments are most appreciated, thanks also for the f/v

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Cheers Cheryl, so happy that it has struck a chord with you. Appreciate the feedback and the v/f

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Lanterns #2 by Blair Stuart
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