Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Notorious the Pirate Ship Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (24)

Bill Cannon

Bill Cannon

Congratulations on your sale!!!!

Sunil Kapadia

Sunil Kapadia

Nice image. Congratulations on your sale!

David Stasiak

David Stasiak


Marian Voicu

Marian Voicu

Magnificent!! L/F

Kathy Krause

Kathy Krause

Congratulations on your sale Blair!! :-)

Bill Cannon

Bill Cannon

Very cool shot!!

RC DeWinter

RC DeWinter

Stunning work, Blair. v/f, pinned to my "Art Worth Looking At" board on Pinterest.

Bobby Villapando

Bobby Villapando

You have such a good eye!! Excellent composition!! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Bobby, your feedback is much appreciated and valued. Thanks too for the v/f

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

Wonderful image and description, Blair. Excellent colors, clouds, and composition! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Heidi, thanks for dropping by I appreciate the feedback, v/f and your kind words...Blair

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thank you Catalina, appreciate the feedback and the f/v. My apologies for the delay in responding, have been on a road trip

Sorin Apostolescu

Sorin Apostolescu

Wonderful image !!!

Blair Stuart replied:

Many thanks Sorin, your visits and feedback are most welcomed and appreciated

Christiane Schulze

Christiane Schulze

The sky looks like a storm is brewing and give the great image a perfect style Blair - Chris (F/V)

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Christiane, your comments, feedback and v/f are always welcomed and appreciated. My thanks for your on-going support

Evgeny Pisarev

Evgeny Pisarev

Fine shot! V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thanks for stopping by Evgeny, I appreciate your comments and vote.

Michael Mrozik

Michael Mrozik

blair sorry i have not been around much just busy but i had to comment on this one as i love the picture ...............things like this we do not see in buffalo ........this is as cool as it gets nice job . vote and in my favs .

Blair Stuart replied:

Thanks Michael, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on this piece, I thank you also for your kind words and the f/v....cheers Blair

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Cheers Mate, I thank you for your kind words and the feedback, they are most appreciated

Luke Moore

Luke Moore

Those clouds are beautiful and the lighting on the ship is nice and mysterious. Sets the mood up perfectly. Nice one Blair!

Lianne Schneider

Lianne Schneider

This has to be my favorite of the three latest...this composition and your treatment give that historic feel, the sky is just awesome and the evening light adds drama. Fabulous information too Blair. F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Lianne, your input is greatly appreciated and valued, thanks too for the f/v. This one is certainly one of my favorites too.... Blair

Tim Allen

Tim Allen

Excellent composition, Blair. Love the backdrop of clouds. Great shot. f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Tim, your feedback, f/v and support is much appreciated

Dean Harte

Dean Harte

Blair, excellent composition and contrast, love the angle you have chosen here with the wide open sea and those gorgeous clouds! vote/fav!

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Dean, always such great and encouraging feedback, my thanks also for the vote / fav

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Notorious the Pirate Ship by Blair Stuart
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