Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Out of the Mist Digital Art by Blair Stuart

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Comments (9)

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thank you Lorles Lifestyles, as always I appreciate your support and feedback. Both of which are highly valued by me.

Lorles Lifestyles

Lorles Lifestyles

This is so mysterious

RC DeWinter

RC DeWinter

Wonderful work, Blair, l/f

Susan Capuano

Susan Capuano

Fantastic artwork Blair, love the mood of this piece! v/f

Pamela  Meredith

Pamela Meredith

love this very good artwork voted

Shawna  Rowe

Shawna Rowe

This is excellent work Blair, love it! v/f

Tim Allen

Tim Allen

This is absolutely awesome!!!!! f/v/fb

Ramona Matei

Ramona Matei

Blair, my friend, love the vintage look in this wonderful piece! The mist effect is amazing, well done! f/v

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Out of the Mist by Blair Stuart
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