Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Notorious the Pirate Ship 6 Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (6)

Christiane Schulze

Christiane Schulze

Fantastic shot Blair.......like the texture, perspective and colors, another great work my friend - Chris (F/V/TWEET)

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Christiane, I always welcome and thank you for your generous feedback and support

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thanks for the Feature Dave it is appreciated

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

Excellent perspective. I feel as if I'm riding the high seas, Blair! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Heidi, apprecaite your visit and kind words..... Blair

Lianne Schneider

Lianne Schneider

Fabulous perspective for this shot Blair - love this! The colors are so beautifully rich - adding to that sense of history! F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Lianne, really appreciate your kind words, F/V and feedback. Your visits are always appreciated and valued. We both seem to have a love for History in general and Boats. the sea in particular.... Cheers Blair.

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Notorious the Pirate Ship 6 by Blair Stuart
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