Three Surfers at Sunset

by Blair Stuart
Buy the Original Photograph
31.375 x 36.000 inches
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Three Surfers at Sunset
Blair Stuart
Photograph - Digital Images
Image captured at sunset on Smiths Beach Phillip Island as two surfers exchanged greetings with a surfer who had caught his last wave of the day..
� Copyright 2015 Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
January 16th, 2013
Comments (18)

Marie-Claire GALLET
Nice to find you here with your wonderful pictures, Blair!! This one is just GORGEOUS!
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Marie-Claire, wonderful to see you here too my friend. I am looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful images and Artwork.

Ernie Echols
Congrats on your sale!!!
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Ernie, As always mate I appreciate your feedback and support. Have a great weekend my friend...... Blair

Xueling Zou
Such an incredible capture! I really love the warm color, and the composition! Beautifully done, Blair!
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Xueling, thank you so much for your kind and generous words. Your comments and support is greatly appreciated as always....Blair

Tim Allen
Outstanding capture, Blair!! f/v
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Tim, as always my friend I greatly appreciate your comments and input. Thanks too for the v/f....Blair

Seth Shotwell
Wow Blair! What a magnificent shot. Some days were made for the camera. Voted and faved!
Blair Stuart replied:
Thanks you Seth... appreciate the kind feedback and the F/V. You are so right, there are some days just made for the camera... in this case right time, right place :)

Pamela Patch
Great color and compostion Blair! voted
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Pamela, always a pleasure to have you drop by. Appreciate the kind words and the vote...Blair

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Blair, This has great tones. Love the composition as well. LOVE your site. F/V P,S. Thanks for kind comments about my fish painting.
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Anne-Elizabeth. your visits and wonderful support is so very much appreciated my friend. Thanks for the kind words and the F/V

Ruth Housley
Hi Blair, What a pretty sunset and overall scene. Ruth
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Ruth..appreciate your stopping by and thank you for your kind words and feedback.

Yumi Johnson
Awesome shot Blair, great colors and I love this!! f/v
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Yumi, appreciated as always... this is such a typical scene in Aus almost all year round lol. Thanks also for the F/V