Self Portrait #1

by Blair Stuart
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
31.875 x 48.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Self Portrait #1
Blair Stuart
Photograph - Digital Images
Image I shot late last year after I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, it as a Self Portrait to be framed at some stage and then given to my Daughters
© 2012 Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
April 24th, 2013
Comments (7)

Christiane Schulze
Wonderful strong portrait Blair........my best wishes too you and a full recovery :-) - Chris (F/V)

Arjun L Sen
Blair, this is a fine portrait, I hope you make a full and speedy recovery, my friend, I've heard they can beat this type of cancer very successfully if caught reasonably early and if the patient is fit and strong...which you look to be...
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Arjun, I appreciate your kind words and wishes. They are greatly appreciated. You are correct in what you say and the prognosis for a full recovery is good as it appears that it has been caught early enough. Time as always my friend will be the true test :) Thank you for your kindness and positive words....Blair