Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Self Portrait #1 Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (7)

Pamela Patch

Pamela Patch

Congratulations on your sale Blair! Excellent work!

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Pamela, always nice to have you drop by.

Kristalin Davis

Kristalin Davis

Very cool. Congrats on your recent sale!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Kristalin, appreciate you stopping by.

Christiane Schulze

Christiane Schulze

Wonderful strong portrait Blair........my best wishes too you and a full recovery :-) - Chris (F/V)

Tomislav Vucic

Tomislav Vucic

This is a great shot. You certainly look like an interesting character.

Arjun L Sen

Arjun L Sen

Blair, this is a fine portrait, I hope you make a full and speedy recovery, my friend, I've heard they can beat this type of cancer very successfully if caught reasonably early and if the patient is fit and strong...which you look to be...

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Arjun, I appreciate your kind words and wishes. They are greatly appreciated. You are correct in what you say and the prognosis for a full recovery is good as it appears that it has been caught early enough. Time as always my friend will be the true test :) Thank you for your kindness and positive words....Blair

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Self Portrait #1 by Blair Stuart
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