Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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That defining moment Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (10)



congrats on your recent sale! (smile)

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway

Blair, oh, what a precious and well done work. Congrats on your sale!

Ramona Matei

Ramona Matei

This is beautiful and touching Blair! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Ramona, my thanks for your kind words. As always my friend your comments and visits are deeply appreciated, as is the f/v... Blair

Dim Schonekas

Dim Schonekas

Yes this pic says so many things and inspires so many thoughts, lovely Blair!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Dim, for the kind words and the sentiments that they express. Always a pleasure to have you drop by.... Blair

Luke Moore

Luke Moore

Love the idea(s) that you have captured here... great thought process Blair :)

Blair Stuart replied:

Thanks Luke, I was unsure about posting it, but glad I did. Appreciate the feedback as always. Hope all is well with you.....Blair

Mitch Shindelbower

Mitch Shindelbower

Beautiful ! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Mitch, your visits are always greatly appreciated and welcomed....Blair

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That defining moment by Blair Stuart
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