A dangerous coastline

by Blair Stuart
A dangerous coastline
Blair Stuart
Photograph - Digital Images
The spectacular, rugged and dangerous coastline of Phillip Island where it meets Bass Strait.
Copyright � 2011 Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
July 9th, 2012
Comments (11)

Blair Stuart
Thank you Sandi, for Featuring this in your "Beauty of this World" group, it is very much appreciated

Lianne Schneider
This is so gorgeous I don't even have words - I'd love to be sitting on one of those rocks! Love your treatment here too - terrific capture Blair!! Great work. F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Lianne, your feedback as always is greatly valued and appreciated. It is a beautiful place to sit and meditate. Thanks too for the V/F

Luke Moore
Well spotted and captured Blair! Love the quasi patterns and the composition with the jagged coastline and white water outlines. Beautiful and dangerous spot F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Luke, appreciate the generous feedback and your input, thanks too for the v/f