Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Gold Coast Beaches #1 Photograph by Blair Stuart

Comments (11)

Maxx Phoenixx

Maxx Phoenixx

Love the breath of this - be so kool as a huge wall in a hotel or office building. I can hear the sea, smell the salt and feel the breeze. v

Hedwig Pen

Hedwig Pen

Fantastic beauty :)

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Hedwig, thanks for dropping by and for your kind words... Blair

Shawn Hughes

Shawn Hughes

Awesome Blair! V SHawn

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Shawn, appreciate as always your vote and kind words...Blair

Yumi Johnson

Yumi Johnson

Wow what a photography Blair, it just gorgeous bravo!! f/v/g+

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you so much Yumi, I greatly appreciate and value your comments, support and the v/f/g+1

Christiane Schulze

Christiane Schulze

With this awesome image you have outdone yourself my friend.........love this breathtaking work Blair - Chris (F/V/TWETT)

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Christiane, What a wonderful compliment. It is deeply appreciated and valued. Thanks too for the V/F/TWEET.....Blair

Susan Capuano

Susan Capuano

Wonderful colors looks like a great place to be!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Susan, appreciate your feedback, and yes it is a great place and the weather is good 90% of the time lol

Melissa  Alleman

Melissa Alleman

Gorgeous beach photograph! I like how the people are scattered throughout. Nice work!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Melissa, so nice to have you drop by. Appreciate your kind words an feedback.

Ramona Matei

Ramona Matei

Oh, yes, Blair, my friend, this is a wonderful shot! Love the colors and the mood here. fv and voted! :)

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Ramona, thank you so much my friend for the kind feedback and f/v. Your visits are always welcomed, valued and appreciated... Blair

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Gold Coast Beaches #1 by Blair Stuart
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