Turbulent Ocean Swell

by Blair Stuart
Turbulent Ocean Swell
Blair Stuart
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Image captured on a walk along the beach on a stormy morning at the mouth of the Powlet river in Victoria This image was then recreated as a Digital Painting using a Painting Apps
© 2012 Copyright Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
June 18th, 2012
Comments (16)

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju
Very Nice capture,Beautiful color rendering---------------Anand
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Anand, appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment on my work.... Blair

Gun Legler
This is so dramatic and beautifu! Great processing too. FV
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Gun, your visits and feedback are always most welcome. Thanks too for the F/V

Lenore Senior
I really like this one and agree with Bob's comments. Great drama and colors here! v/f
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Lenore, appreciate your feedback and the visit. Thanks too for the v/f

Christiane Schulze
Great capture and enhancement Blair........like the way you captured it, it shows in a perfect way the power of the nature - Chris (F/V/TWEET)
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Christiane, appreciate your generous feedback, kind words and the F/V/TWEET.... Blair

Ramona Matei
Wonderful piece, Blair, love the treatment here. fv and voted!
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Ramona, always appreciate and welcome your visits. Thanks for the kind words and the f/v.....Blair

Bob Orsillo
You have captured the drama of the sea perfectly Blair! - v/f/g
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Bob, so happy you liker it. Appreciate and value your input, thanks too for the v/f/g. Enjoying trying my hand at new styles and mediums.... Blair