Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Before the Storm Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (6)

VIVA Anderson

VIVA Anderson

Wonderful, Blair.......stunningly ominous!.,FAV.

Julia Hiebaum

Julia Hiebaum

Beautiful scenic view, Congratulations on your sale!

William Tasker

William Tasker

Gorgeous image! Congrats to you and to your buyer!

Sorin Apostolescu

Sorin Apostolescu

So beautiful !

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Sorin, always nice to have you drop by.

Lianne Schneider

Lianne Schneider

Love the deep rich color and the dark mood you've captured here Blair. Beautiful work. F/L T

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you my dear friend, appreciate your comments and the F/L/T. Hope all is well with you 😊

Lorles Lifestyles

Lorles Lifestyles

Love the moodiness of this

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Lorles Lifestyles, your comments are always appreciated

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Before the Storm by Blair Stuart
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