Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Powlet River Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (11)

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

Lovely image, Blair. Your processing of it is perfect. f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Heidi, appreciate the f/v, your kind words and support of my work....... Blair

Lenore Senior

Lenore Senior

Absolutely gorgeous! Love those rich blues & browns together and the birds add perfection! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Lenore, your comments and feedback are both valued and respected. Thanks also for the v/f, that too is appreciated

Xueling Zou

Xueling Zou

So beautiful!! Most of people love Hawaii. I think OZ's ocean and beaches are the best, natural beauty:-)! Thanks for sharing your capture, Blair!!

Blair Stuart replied:

I agree Xueling, Oz beaches are amongst the most beautiful in the world.. Thanks for your support.... Blair

Christiane Schulze

Christiane Schulze

Cool shot and perspective Blair.......so beautiful - Chris (F/V)

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Chris, I appreciate and value your comments and feedback. Thanks too for the f/v.

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thanks mate, appreciate your kind words and the f/v

Dean Harte

Dean Harte

Nice shot Blair, the colours are wondeful, especially those deep blues! vote/fav!

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thank you Krista for featuring this in your "Collectors treasures group, most appreciated

Tim Allen

Tim Allen

Beatiful shot, Blair. f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Tim, many thanks for the feedback and the f/v, much appreciated

Lianne Schneider

Lianne Schneider

Wow I love the clarity and the beauty of the colors here Blair - such a stunning composition. Great work!! F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Lianne, your input into my work is highly valued. Thanks too for the f/v

Yumi Johnson

Yumi Johnson

Wow love this great photography Blair, you captured ver nice. f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Yumi, your kind words are greatly appreciated as is the f/v

Mitch Shindelbower

Mitch Shindelbower

Wow your stuff is just clicking Blair Another fantastic image !!! v/f /fb

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Mitch, I appreciate your feedback and on-going support. Guess the sabbatical work in making me refocus on my work lol. Thanks too for the f/v

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Powlet River by Blair Stuart
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