Shore Break #1

by Blair Stuart
Shore Break #1
Blair Stuart
Photograph - Digital Images
Image shot at North Rocks Cove on the Sapphire Coast of New South Wales.
© 2011 Copyright Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
June 15th, 2012
Comments (11)

Fran Woods
Lovely effect... and I like the long look of the waves rolling onto the beach.
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Fran, nice to have you drop by. Many thanks for the kind words, they are greatly appreciated

Xueling Zou
Wow, I am speechless... so wonderful! It makes me miss OZ more... Thank you, Blair!!
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Xueling, well my friend you must come back for a visit :) Thank you as always for your kind words and generous support of my work.

Lianne Schneider
What a beautiful image Blair! Phenomenal composition and lovely tones. Love the format. Wish I could keep up with you...you're just too prolific for me! F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Lol, Thank you Lianne, yes I have been on a bit of a roll of late. As always my friend I value and appreciate your most kind and generous feedback anad thank your for your on-going support of my work...Blair

Mitch Shindelbower
Fantastic work Blair excellent light and depth! v/f
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers my friend, I greatly appreciate your valued input and thank you for the f/v

Luke Moore
Really dig the long, horizontal composition on this one! Works very well. Another one of your beautiful beach photographs Blair. Very nice, F/V!
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Luke, I greatly appreciate your most kind and generous feedback, Thank you too for the F/V

First Star Art
Gorgeous!! Love the long horizontal format too!! :^D jrr
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you jrr, it took a bit of playing around to get the right amount of cropping. Thanks as always my friend for your valued and welcomed input....Blair