The Rescue Mission

by Blair Stuart
The Rescue Mission
Blair Stuart
Mixed Media - Mixed Media
Although the image of the approaching planet filled him with a sense of foreboding, Xaiver found he could not pull his eyes away from the screen. The memories of his last visit were all too fresh and filled his mind with images he had hoped that he would never have to see again.
Reaching down to his side he retrieved a flask from which he drank deeply, in a vain attempt to clear the dryness in his throat. Futile he thought, noting that not only was his mouth as dry as the deseret sands, his glove covered hands were sweaty and clammy, a thin bead of sweat forming on his forehead just below his helmet.
As his craft bought him ever closer to his destination, he felt the unease rising in him again, causing him to stir uncomfortably in his seat. Xavier shivered involuntarily as he gazed intently at the screen, watching as the planets solitary moon came into view.
All too soon he knew his craft would penetrate the upper atmosphere and he would break through the perpetual cloud cover and descend down to the hostile mist enshouded surface of the planet.
Shaking his head he tried once again to clear his thoughts, as the visions of what lurked on the planets surface once again flashed across his minds eye.
© 2011 Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
June 8th, 2012
Comments (11)

Luke Moore
Absolutely love it Blair!! Like an approaching planet, but also like looking through a door without a doorknob or a key hole. Impending doom or a small triumph for Xaiver's race? Your words are extremely well spoken, very visual and descriptive. Well done on this whole series my friend! F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Luke for your support, encouragement and insightful feedback. I am indeed humbled by your kind and gracious words.... cheers Blair

Bob Orsillo
Awesome adventure art and words! I love it and want more ;) V/F
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Bob, I am humbled my friend by your kind words and thank you for your input into my work... Blair

Xueling Zou
Beautiful blue color, mysterious feeling! Awesome!!
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Xueling, I appreciate your comments and kind words. My apologies for the delay in responding, I have been on a road trip with limited internet / computer access. ..cheers Blair

Pamela Patch
Excellent work Blair! fav/vote
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Pamela, I appreciate your comments and thank you for the v/f too. My apologies for the delay in responding, I have been on a road trip with limited internet / computer access. ..cheers Blair

Dean Harte
nice and indeed forebidding Blair, perfect for the story! v/f!
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Dean, as always my friend I value and appreciate your comments and thank you for the v/f too. My apologies for the delay in responding, I have been on a road trip with limited internet / computer access. ..cheers Blair

Mitch Shindelbower
Cool stuff Blair! v/f
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Mitch, as always my friend I value your comments and thank you for the v/f too. My apologies for the delay in responding, I have been on a road trip with limited internet / computer access. ..cheers Blair