I awoke from a terrible Dream

by Blair Stuart
I awoke from a terrible Dream
Blair Stuart
Mixed Media - Mixed Media
This is from my collection of Images and Words, and written at a dark period in my life. I am a sufferer of PTSD and as those who either suffer or who have experience with this affliction will know each and every day is a struggle.
� 2012 Blair Stuart All Rights Reserved
June 25th, 2012
Comments (10)

Luke Moore
Blair I had a chance to read the words on your website. Powerful stuff man. I think it can very liberating to share struggles, emotions, diseases, obstacles through art. Just to hear the thoughts of someone else whether they be dark or happy is really enlightening too. I think there will always be people that try and undermine what people go through and make it out like it's fake or unbelievable or the plain fact that they just don't understand or they haven't experienced a similar situation. I think the bottom line is that you educate and liberate yourself and you educate and liberate other peoples' minds to think and feel outside the box too. The art and the words you write can be almost like a mild therapy, or a buffer, or just a way to communicate to get something off your chest so to speak. I had wanted to do something Lyme related for a long time and finally that first piece came together after some thought and some work with several photos in GIMP. I remember I was uploading it to FAA in the morning before work. My girlfriend and I were getting ready, etc. I had tears in my eyes when I had finally finished and uploaded it. Many of the symptoms and experiences I had experienced since 2005 were all sort of hitting my mind and emotions when I uploaded that particular artwork. It was very intense at the time. I found the hardest part was and still is taking those first steps with anything, especially something that has such deep emotional roots and has affected your life so intensely.
Blair Stuart replied:
My thanks Luke for your very insight comments and feedback. All that you have written is so very true. Writing of things such as this is a means and a way to liberate, educate as well as communicat to other suffers that they are not alone. Let me also state for the record, that it was your inspirational posting of the Lyme Ribbon that provide the impetus and motivation to finally to decide to upload this series onto FAA. I do admire the strength and exceptional courage it took by you to work through the raw emotions, symptoms and experiences that you have lived through since 2005 in order to design, implement and then post in such a public forum as FAA. I understand so very clearly the intensity and the hardest part being in taking the first stteps. I am so glad you did though, it is an integral part of who you are and deserves to be a part of your works here on this site. To me it was and remains a profoundly moving piece of Artwork that affected me deeply on a number of levels. Anything my friend that effects one at such an intensely deep and emotional level will always cause angst when placing such a thing upon the table for all to see. As I have said before you are a man of rare courage and strength. I take my hat off to you Luke! Stay safe, well and happy Luke and continue doing what you are doing with your Art. Your friend and admirer...Blair

Luke Moore
Very powerful Blair! You have so many beautiful artworks and photographs. So glad you have included this one, it has a special place in your body of work. I found it really helpful to read all the comments and your description too. The older I get the more I realize everyone has at least one or multiple afflictions/battles/obstacles/issues :). So I can related to it in that sense for sure. Most folks have had some form of depression whether it be mild or severe, caused by stress or biological in nature or some other mechanism. I wish you luck on your journey Blair. Blair- You influence other artists and photographers, no doubt in my mind. You are generous with your comments,time, and energy on other peoples' work. It's a very positive and strong thing to see and be a part of. Thank you. I will take a look after work at your PTSD story as well. I have a feeling I will learn something new after reading it.
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Luke for your Sincere and Heartfelt comments in responding to this post. I am humbled by your words and I thank you for taking the time an making the effort to respond in the manner which you have. I understand your own struggle with an affliction and it was in reading what you wrote about that issue that gave me the courage and strength to finally upload this image and to tell my story. I believe also that you influence a great many other Artists / Photographers with the input, and thoughtful responses you provide on the work of others. I also wish to thank you for taking the time to read my piece on my website that I wrote on PTSD, If so inclined and I would appreciate your feedback, please feel free to let me know, either here or in private, your thoughts on that piece.

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Oh, I can be silly too. I forgot to thank you for your kind comments about my "Facing the Light" photo. Smiles to you.
Blair Stuart replied:
Anne-Elizabeth, should you wish to read what I wrote on PTSD the story is available on my personal Website www.stuartmediaservices.com the link is a follows; http://www.stuartmediaservices.com/my-thoughts-my-words.html Regards, Blair

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Blair, On any other day, I would have skipped by this image, 'cause I don't like scary stuff. However, but for some unknown reason, today felt compelled to look at this image thoughtfully and to read all the comments as well as your in-depth, heartfelt replies. I have admired your artwork in general for quite some time now. Until I looked at this series, I did not realize how severely you have been affected by PTSD and sadness in general. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad that expressing yourself through writing and art has brought a modicum of solace to you. Expressing myself through art and my amateur photography (as well as occasional blogs) has brought me a degree of peace in my life. I also keep a journal and although I don't write in it each day, it helps to express my personal thoughts in that way. I have been suffering with depression for quite a few years now. On the outside I am usually smiling and happy acting. Most of my friends & relatives do not know the inner turmoil that I struggle with each day. I even try to cheer other people in various ways. Sometimes when I do a stranger a favor, whether it is a donation of money or whatever, it makes ME feel good. I usually tell the other person that it is a blessing to me to help. After I had to retire early on disability, I'm glad that I took art classes. I need to go back & take more art lessons in painting but that's another story... Painting is a great relief for me. As I mentioned in my bio on my own artsite: www.echolakeart.com, painting takes me into another world, a peaceful HAPPY place. I could have sent you this in a private message, but then I thought: "Why not let anyone who wants to do so read this?" However, it is especially for you, Blair. May you keep finding reasons to live, friend. You have a lot of friends out there in the art world. That's for sure. "Shine On". Sincerely, aew
Blair Stuart replied:
Anne-Elizabeth, Thank you for following your instincts and deciding to view my post and the comments. I designed the image to be hard hitting and to a degree controversial, I am deeply humbled by your words, the depth, insight and sensitivity of your response to this Series. Depression as a whole has remained hidden away from the public eye for far too long, as a Taboo subject, one not to be discussed. It is something that "others" suffer from and to a degree it scares most people, for they do not understand or know how to either cope or deal with people suffering this debilitating illness. I wrote a piece about PTSD and its impact on my life and the lives of those that I love the most. I have added it to the bottom of my reply. Thank you for your thoughts and your kindness. I thank you and applaud you for replying in this very public forum, for opening up to all that you too suffer from Depression and your struggle on a daily basis with the turmoil it brings into your life. A most difficult decision that you have made and I am sure that others reading your post will find strength and empowerment in your words. It saddens me that you have to wear a mask to hide the illness from your family, friends and the the world in general. It is obvious that you are a giver, I see that so clearly in what you have written, I am also glad that you have found solace and healing release through your Journal, your Art and Photography. That you have found a "Happy" place is wonderful news and terribly important in your journey towards recovery, May the Good days be many and your "Happy" place continue to be a place of safety and sanctuary for you. I will continue to seek reasons to live and value the "Warm" days. I appreciate and highly value your friendship and the friendship of others in the Art world. All I can add Anne-Elizabeth is that you have my deepest respect and admiration. I must also say that I am a fan of your work, I find it to be uplifting and inspirational on a number of levels. Once again my Heartfelt thanks for your kindness, your compassion and your understanding. You are a woman with a true Heart and deep caring soul. Sincerely Blair

Fran Woods
Powerful stuff, Blair. I'm glad you can express yourself through your art. Peace to you on this day!
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Fran, your kindness, encouragement and support is greatly valued and deeply appreciated.... Blair