Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Railway track leading to where Pyrography by Blair Stuart

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Comments (24)

Roger Wedegis

Roger Wedegis

Wonderful perspective Blair! I love it! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Roger, your comments my friend, are always greatly appreciated, valued and respected. Thank you too for the v'f

Ramona Matei

Ramona Matei

Very beautiful Blair! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Ramona, your comments my dear friend are always greatly appreciated, valued and respected. Thank you too for the v'f

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

An Abstract look with a Great Perspective!!!!!!!!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Anand, your comments my friend are always greatly appreciated, valued and respected.

Arjun L Sen

Arjun L Sen

great shot ... I like the short depth of field ... and great title fv

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Arjun, your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you too for the v'f

James Hammen

James Hammen

This is absolutely awesome Blair! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you James, your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you too for the v'f

Bill Owen

Bill Owen

Very cool!

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Bill, your comments are appreciated.

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

Great image, Blair. f/v/g+1/su

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Heidi, always appreciate your visits and feedback. Thanks too for the f/v/g+1/su.... Cheers Blair

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Good Perspective--------------Anand

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Anand, I appreciate the comments :)

Gun Legler

Gun Legler

Fantastic abstract perspective, great work!

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Gun, your comments and feedback is both deeply appreciated and valued.... Blair

Lenore Senior

Lenore Senior

Love the colors, perspective, and abstract sense in this one. Beautiful and excellent work! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you so much Lenore for such positive and generous feedback. High praise indeed coming from such a talented creative Artist such as you. regards, Blair

Blair Stuart replied:

Thanks too for the v/f, that is also appreciated :)

Francis Riley

Francis Riley

Count me as ditto to all these comments...I love this! The rusty colored hues with the blues of the rocks in the foreground make this image pop. Great work! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Francis, appreciate you stopping by. My thanks for your generous feedback and the v/f

Mitch Shindelbower

Mitch Shindelbower

Susan said it I agree Outstanding work Blair ! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Mitch, appreciate your comments, the v/f and your support

Guy Whiteley

Guy Whiteley

Bravo! Love the perspective on this. F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Guy, appreciate your visit, the F/V and comments.

Michael Frank Jr

Michael Frank Jr

WOOOOW! One of my FAVS of "tracks"! This is like....PERFECT! Had I the funds...it would be up on my wall for sure! lol Awesome work and processing! F, V and g+1!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Michel for the compliment. Greatly appreciate your visit and thank you for your most kind words and the F/V/G+1

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thank you Kathy, for your kind words and feedback, Thank you also for voting for it in the competition, much appreciated....Blair

Kathy Gibbons

Kathy Gibbons

Oh I recognise this image ,i voted for it in some contest !!! GREAT shot I love it !!!

Luke Moore

Luke Moore

Magnificent Blair! This one jumped out at me right away. Depth of field is perfect. Has a nice "geometric design" feeling to it. Love that V point in the center, what an attention grabber :) Very well done my friend! F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Glad you like this one Luke, I tried something a tad different and it seems to have worked out this time around, Appreciate you taking the time for such a detailed response, it is greatly appreciated and valued.... Cheers Blair

Dean Harte

Dean Harte

outstanding work Blair, great POV, composition, colours and mood! vote/fav!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Dean, your input is, as always, valued and appreciated. Thanks too for the v/f

Rebecca Sherman

Rebecca Sherman

Excellent photo; the composition and colors are wonderful.

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Rebecca, your comments are greatly appreciated.... Blair

Yumi Johnson

Yumi Johnson

This is awesome work Blair, beautiful colors! f/v

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Yumi, your comments are valued and appreciated. Thanks too for the f/v... cheers Blair

Susan Capuano

Susan Capuano

Outstanding work Blair! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Susan, appreciate your kind words and the v/f.... cheers Blair

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Railway track leading to where by Blair Stuart
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