Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Colonial era Bridge #1 Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (13)



What a superb, romantic picture of a historic construction! Wonderful! Very interesting text Fv

Lou Belcher

Lou Belcher

Beautiful photo. Love the vibrant colors. f/v

Heidi Smith

Heidi Smith

This is beautiful, Blair! Great description too! f/v/g+1

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thanks Sandi, appreciate the feature in your "Beauty of this World" group

Carol McLagan

Carol McLagan

Ah, know this one well Blair as it is just down below my Aunt's home. And yest it is a great example of convict work.

Phyllis Kaltenbach

Phyllis Kaltenbach

Love it! v/f

Roger Wedegis

Roger Wedegis

Blair, this is awesome! I love the detail and the color! v/f

Xueling Zou

Xueling Zou

I love your capture, Blair! A wonderful symmetrical layout and towards the viewer's vision to the gate... Thank you:)!

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Xueling, your kind words and feedback is very much appreciated and valued... Blair

Lianne Schneider

Lianne Schneider

Gorgeous image Blair - love the rich saturation of color, the wonderful perspective. And I really appreciate so much the wealth of information you provide to bring this image to life. F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Liane, your support and comments are always so generous and deeply appreciated. Thank you my friend....Blair

Mitch Shindelbower

Mitch Shindelbower

Very cool Blair looks like you have been taking stills for a movie production company or something your finding some very cool spots. v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Mitch, appreciate the kind words and the v/f. As always my friend I appreciate your support and feedback... Blair

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Colonial era Bridge #1 by Blair Stuart
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