Old Colonial Goal at Trial Bay

by Blair Stuart
Buy the Original Photograph
20.000 x 12.500 inches
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Old Colonial Goal at Trial Bay
Blair Stuart
Photograph - Digital Images
Capture of the ruins of a historic Colonial era Prison at Trial Bay Port Macquarie in New South Wales. This is the work of a Dimitra S, a close and dear friend, I am posting a series of her images to provide exposure for this very creative photographer / writer
� Copyright 2012 Dimitra Schonekas All Rights Reserved
July 29th, 2012
Comments (7)

Lianne Schneider
I missed this one it appears Blair and I'm so sorry because it's an imposing if foreboding piece. Haunting one might say - full of moody atmosphere and taken from such a great perspective. F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you my friend, I and Dimitra appreciate, value and respect your comments, feedback and kind words. Thank you for taking the time to visit this image and thanks too for the F/V

Heidi Smith
Very beautiful image, Blair! v/f
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Heidi, as always my friend your comments and the v/f are greatly appreciated

Xueling Zou
A beautiful perspective, love the composition and the mood! Fantastic work, Blair!!
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Xueling, your feedback and kind words are greatly appreciated as always.