Australian Pelicans

by Blair Stuart
Australian Pelicans
Blair Stuart
Photograph - Digital Images
Image captured of a pair of Australian Pelicans at San Remo Fishermans Harbour on the peninsula south of Melbourne Victoria.
� 2010 Copyright Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
June 30th, 2012
Comments (8)

Luke Moore
This has a beautiful "texture" and lighting to it Blair! A bit like a serene painting. Great use of two also. The eye and beak parts on both birds are stunning. F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Mate, thank you so much for your generous and kind words, they are greatly appreciated. Thanks too for the F/V.

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju
Sooooooooooooo Beautiful pair of Australian Pelicans.Fantastic capture------Anand
Blair Stuart replied:
Thanks for dropping by Anand, your visit, and generous feedback is greatly appreciated.

Lenore Senior
Beautifully done, with great lighting and rich colors! v/f
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Lenore, I greatly appreciate your visit, the kind words and generous feedback. My thanks too for the V/F.... Blair

Blair Stuart
Thank you Krista, for the Feature in your "Collectors Treasures" Group it is much appreciated.

Lianne Schneider
So perfect I'd swear they weren't real - lol. What an incredibly lovely capture Blair - gorgeous details and colors. F/V
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you lianne, appreciate as always your feedback, comments and the F/V. They were certainly real, just waiting for the feeding session to begin. A daily ritual at the Fishermans Co-op held on the foreshore.

Roger Wedegis
Blair, your pelican captures are fantastic! v/f
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Roger, high praise indeed given your talents for taking magnificent animal portraits. Appreciate greatly the compliment and thank you for the v/f too