Welcome to Blair Stuart Photography I am a Freelance photographer based in Far North Queensland Australia.

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Australian Pelicans Photograph by Blair Stuart

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Comments (8)

Luke Moore

Luke Moore

This has a beautiful "texture" and lighting to it Blair! A bit like a serene painting. Great use of two also. The eye and beak parts on both birds are stunning. F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Cheers Mate, thank you so much for your generous and kind words, they are greatly appreciated. Thanks too for the F/V.

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Sooooooooooooo Beautiful pair of Australian Pelicans.Fantastic capture------Anand

Blair Stuart replied:

Thanks for dropping by Anand, your visit, and generous feedback is greatly appreciated.

Lenore Senior

Lenore Senior

Beautifully done, with great lighting and rich colors! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Lenore, I greatly appreciate your visit, the kind words and generous feedback. My thanks too for the V/F.... Blair

Blair Stuart

Blair Stuart

Thank you Krista, for the Feature in your "Collectors Treasures" Group it is much appreciated.

Lianne Schneider

Lianne Schneider

So perfect I'd swear they weren't real - lol. What an incredibly lovely capture Blair - gorgeous details and colors. F/V

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you lianne, appreciate as always your feedback, comments and the F/V. They were certainly real, just waiting for the feeding session to begin. A daily ritual at the Fishermans Co-op held on the foreshore.

Roger Wedegis

Roger Wedegis

Blair, your pelican captures are fantastic! v/f

Blair Stuart replied:

Thank you Roger, high praise indeed given your talents for taking magnificent animal portraits. Appreciate greatly the compliment and thank you for the v/f too

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Australian Pelicans by Blair Stuart
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