Ocean power #1

by Blair Stuart
Ocean power #1
Blair Stuart
Digital Art - Digital Art / Painting
The original image of a Stormy morning at the mouth of the Powlet River was converted into a Digital Art painting using the ArtistaOil HD painting Application.
© 2012 Stuart Media Services All Rights Reserved
June 12th, 2012
Comments (10)

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Blair, This has the perfect title for this powerful image. I always enjoy visiting your site. I wish I had more time to make more comments... but I can always come back. Good wishes to you. Anne
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Anne-Elizabeth. thanks for the kind words, seems we have a mutual admiration society as I greatly admire your work................Blessings Blair

Xueling Zou
I love the powerful feeling you captured, Blair!! So dramatic and incredible! Bravo!!
Blair Stuart replied:
Cheers Xueling, your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your kind words ..... Blair

Christiane Schulze
Very powerful and intersting image Blair - Chris (F/V)
Blair Stuart replied:
Thank you Christiane, your visit, feedback and the v/f are welcomed and appreciated

Blair Stuart
Thank you Vivian, your visits are always welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for your kind words and the f/v too..... cheers Blair